For Participants

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Welcome to 4th AMMODIT Conference

The international AMMODIT conference will be held on 19-23 March, 2018 in hotel “Warszawa, near Lviv, Ukraine.

This is the fourth meeting in the series of events to be organized in the framework of the Marie Curie RISE project Approximation Methods for Molecular Modelling and Diagnosis Tools (AMMODIT).

The previous conferences were in Rivne (September 2015), Hasenwinkel (March 2016) and Kyiv (January 2017).

This conference is aimed at overcoming the barriers between Mathematics and Life Sciences. It is a multidisciplinary meeting forum for researches who develop and apply mathematical and computational tools to the study of phenomena in the broad fields of biology, ecology, medicine, bioengineering, environmental science, etc.

The main topics of the conference

  • Approximation theory.
  • Biological imaging processes.
  • Biophysics.
  • Free boundaries problems in mathematical biology.
  • Hemodynamics.
  • Hydrodynamics.
  • Neuroinformatics.
  • Mathematical models for evolutionary biology (deterministic modeles and stochastic processes).
  • Numerical methods in mathematical biology.
  • PDE's and fractional PDE's in medicine and biosciences.

The meeting is open to all interested scientists with a mathematical, physical or life science background.

We consider semi-plenary talks (30 minutes) and section talks (20 minutes).

Working language of the conference is English

Previous conferences:    2015  |  2016  |  2017